Here's Why I'll Always Prefer a Classic Tube of Mascara Over Lash Extensions

I will never deny the draw of eyelash extensions. Having had them for a significant period of time, I can vouch for their comfort and time-saving nature. They help you look and feel put-together — with thick, voluminous, fluttery lashes to boot — without even touching your makeup bag. When I had them, my alarm clock was set later (I could roll out of bed and look wide awake) and smears and smudges never existed.

Yet, at the end of the day, I will still always choose a tube of mascara. Yes, I will admit that I've never met a tube of mascara that can produce the same impressive effects as eyelash extensions, but mascara is still my preferred tool for defining and lengthening my lashes.

As someone who's been writing about beauty for a decade, I genuinely enjoy trying out new products. When I had eyelash extensions, I had to forgo personally testing the new mascara I saw advertised everywhere or trying the formula my best friend couldn't stop raving about. Eyelash extensions may have saved me the annoyance of having to remove a product that just didn't live up to its hype, but I missed exploring eye makeup.

It was technically fine to wear eyeshadow and eyeliner with my extensions, but I found myself staying away from those product categories, too; I was so afraid I'd accidentally pull out one of my faux lashes while removing my eye makeup at the end of the day.

I'm also a fairly low-maintenance beauty girl (a reason going nearly platinum blond didn't work out for me), so the thought of going to the salon every few weeks for touch-ups started to overwhelm me.

My preference for mascara goes beyond all that, though. Applying mascara is my favorite and final step of my makeup routine. I love watching the transformation process of my eyelashes, from fair, short, and fine into long, thick, and full. I love that I truly don't know how many swipes I will need, but that I do know exactly when to stop. The application process requires focus in a way where it's almost calming. When I'm moving those bristles through my lashes, all I'm concentrating on is the task at hand.

Finally, I love that the price of a mascara tube really isn't any indication on how effective it will be. I've found success with $6 tubes and $60 buys.

I'm not saying I'll never wear eyelash extensions again. I'm a fan! But if you were to make me choose between them, I can assure you that mascara will always win.