A Teary-Eyed Chiara Ferragni Opens Up About Her Son's Medical Procedure

Fashion blogger Chiara Ferragni and her husband Federico Lucia (Fedez) have never shied away from revealing the most intimate parts of their lives with fans. Whether it was their on-stage engagement, over-the-top wedding, or birth of their son Leo, they've always had the cameras on (it seems), documenting every bit of it — both the good and the bad.

Just this morning, Chiara shared a very honest post about her son Leo's health, and it certainly caught followers off guard. On Instagram she wrote, "Our little Leo got a very fast procedure at Children's Hospital to get eartubes in his ears to get rid of some liquid he's had since he was born that otherways could cause him hearing loss in the long [term]," she began. "His procedure was fast and super simple so we're super happy we did it and he's home with us now."

Fans were relieved to hear that it was minor and that Leo is doing well, but Chiara is a new parent and she was very affected by her experience at the hospital. "Seeing so many parents there having to witness their babies going through open heart surgeries made me cry nonstop and really understand that when you and your family have health, you cannot complain. It is the most important thing in the universe. And being a mum and seeing a child in pain makes you feel like you're dying. I'm posting this because it is important to acknowledge how lucky we are every day. Don't ever take it for granted."

Regardless of whether you follow her on Instagram, Chiara's message is definitely moving and relatable.